We have established a valuable partnership with Cobs Bread in Edgemont Village for a special initiative called the "Dough Raiser" Program. When you visit Cobs Bread for your shopping needs, simply inform them that your purchase should be credited to Highlands Preschool before making your payment. Every purchase contributes significantly towards our cause.

LKA in Edgemont Village is delighted to support our preschool community as an official fundraising partner. The LKA GiveBack Program will donate $10 to the preschool every time a student enrolls for a drop-in class, session and/or camp. At booking, you must select our preschool’s name from the drop-down menu for the question "How did you find LKA?” to ensure we receive the donation.

Ensuring smooth operations for our teachers, children, and parents at the preschool becomes effortless when all items brought to class are properly labelled. Start shopping now, and 20% of your purchase will be directed toward our fundraising efforts. Don't hesitate to share the referral link with your friends as well! Visit
for more details.

Scholastic Reading Club provides families with an affordable and convenient way to buy the best in children’s literature either for their home or as a present for someone else. When ordering please use our class code RC222491 For every order placed, Scholastic gives back 20% of the orders spent so our preschool can purchase valuable resources and expand our HELC library for the children.